The rosanero latest news, Baldini, Felici, Covid19

Baldini: first training for Tommaso Natale The Baldini era has begun: yesterday morning swabs for everyone and in the afternoon the first training session at Tommaso Natale’s Sports Village. The new Palermo coach has started to thrive, with the intention of immediately creating a rift with respect to the recent past. To continue pursuing the …
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Palermo FC Staff 2021/22

Palermo FC Staff 2021/22 Coach Giacomo FilippiPartinico27 October 1975 Technical Staff Second Coach Giacomo Filippi Technical assistant Emanuele Lupo Goalkeeper Trainer Michele Marotta Athletic Trainers Marco Nastasi, Marco Petrucci Palermo FC 2020/21 Season Medical Staff Health Manager Dott. Roberto Matracia Social Doctor Dott. Giuseppe Puleo Physiotherapists Gianluca Chinnici, Claudio Fici, Marcello Marcianò Nutritionist Leandro Carollo …
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