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Palermo vs Cavese, a decisive match, 18th-day of return of Serie C

Palermo vs Cavese, a decisive match, 18th-day of return of Serie C

Palermo vs Cavese, a decisive match, 18th-day of return of Serie C Michele Delrio from Reggio Emilia will be the referee of Palermo-Cavese.The Emilian whistle will be assisted by assistants Massimiliano Bonomo from Milan and Giovanni Dell’Orco from Policoro; fourth official Marco Monaldi of Macerata. The match, valid for the 37th day of the Serie …
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Catania / Palermo 9th-day the Derby opportunity

Catania / Palermo 9th-day the Derby opportunity

Catania vs Palermo 9th-day The Sicilian Derby opportunity The referees will be Matteo Marcenaro from Genoa, the same match director of the first leg match between Palermo and Avellino. The first assistant will be Marco Ceccon from Lovere, the second Cosimo Cataldo from Bergamo. Finally, the fourth designated official will be Francesco Cosso of Reggio …
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