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The new space at the Barbera Stadium…

The new space at the Barbera Stadium…

The new space at the Barbera: The Palermo store debuts. In the midst of many unforeseen events, there is also some good news: The new space at the Barbera Stadium: The Palermo store! A brand new Bar&Store 🦅 with ALL the official rosanero merchandising 🦅

New provisions of the Lega Pro related to Covid-19

New provisions of the Lega Pro related to Covid-19

Lega Pro, the rules on the management of positives change: two hypotheses for postponement Through an official statement, the Lega Pro has announced the new provisions regarding the Covid-19 emergency. Here is the press release: – given priority to the need to protect the health and public safety of all professionals, players, staff, and referees;– …
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Palermo Museum – Info

Palermo Museum – Info

Today during the Palermo FC press conference to introduce the Palermo’s 120th-anniversary event on November 1st, 2020, 1. The club confirmed that the third shirt will be unveiled on November 1, 2020, inside the Palermo Museum rise. 2. The club created the first official rosanero Podcast is the story of a love for our colors …
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