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We need clarity on the Covid-19 rules

We need clarity on the Covid-19 rules

Sagramola: “We need more clarity on the rules on Covid-19” Special moments in the Palermo home following the paradoxical situation following the disproportionate number of infections from Covid-19 (read here for info), the CEO of Palermo Rinaldo Sagramola wanted to express his disappointment during an interview granted to the “Gazzetta dello Sport“, regarding the rules …
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Newspapers that following Palermo FC

Newspapers that following Palermo FC

Newspapers official pages and website links, about the newspapers that follow Palermo Football Club. List of Newspapers & websites of newspapers of Palermo News TRMWeb Mediagol Giornale di Sicilia StadioNews24 Palermo Today Gazzetta dello sport Tutto Mercato Web This website is for all Pink Black supporters (RosaNero) who are living in Europe.It’s an amateur page …
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