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We need clarity on the Covid-19 rules

We need clarity on the Covid-19 rules

Sagramola: “We need more clarity on the rules on Covid-19” Special moments in the Palermo home following the paradoxical situation following the disproportionate number of infections from Covid-19 (read here for info), the CEO of Palermo Rinaldo Sagramola wanted to express his disappointment during an interview granted to the “Gazzetta dello Sport“, regarding the rules …
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New provisions of the Lega Pro related to Covid-19

Lega Pro, the rules on the management of positives change: two hypotheses for postponement Through an official statement, the Lega Pro has announced the new provisions regarding the Covid-19 emergency. Here is the press release: – given priority to the need to protect the health and public safety of all professionals, players, staff, and referees;– …
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