Interview to Silvio Baldini by TGS Studio Stadio broadcast (Palermo)
During the TGS Studio Stadio sports in-depth format, broadcast on TGS, the new rosanero coach analyzes the current affairs at Palermo, projecting himself on the hot topics of the Serie C championship which closely concerns the viale Fante club, between the field and coronavirus. Below are the statements made by the former coach of Empoli, Parma and Carrarese, among others.
PALERMO FC 2021/22 Season
Baldini to TGS: “Returning to Palermo is gratifying, I don’t ask for anything, I’ll work with what I have”
The club is the first to want to give a competitive team. We must take into account to keep certain balances. Sheva? The problem is how to socialize with others. If I go to coach a team I look for solutions and not problems.
If I give solutions (how to train and how to live as athletes), the boys will give me 100%. The important thing is to surround yourself with people who do not abandon you in difficulties. I trained these guys and I talked to them saying that I will evaluate them. is working hard. I would like to have two players per position and not three because when you train there are deadlines to respect.
For now I am very happy, I see that they are taken. The important thing is that no one gets lost at the first difficulties . It must be fundamental to give 100%, the result comes later. I made a choice, to be free in being able to express my opinions. What a satisfaction to return to Palermo after 18 years! I was denigrated but fate remembers. And then it goes it always pays to be himself. If you are born square you die square.
Then experience makes you understand that reflection can be beneficial. And so over the years you learn something. Footballers in quarantine? Always called. Our athletic trainer Petrucci called them one by one every evening. If you don’t make him feel human contact becomes a problem. Regardless of whether it is a major player or not. Everyone must be treated equally.
Below the Link VIDEO TGS Studio Stadio broadcast, interview to Silvio Baldini