Palermo has just announced through its official website that for the Lega Pro match against Turris there will be the possibility of watching the match for a thousand spectators.
Here is the note with all the methods of purchase:
In compliance with the DPCM of 13 October 2020 which regulates the presence of spectators in the sports facilities,
Palermo announces the reopening of the gates of the Renzo Barbera stadium on the occasion of the championship match against Turris, scheduled for Wednesday 21 October with kick-off at 15.00.
1000 spectators will be able to attend the match, exclusively in the “Grandstand” (upper and lower ring) and “Gradinata” (lower ring) sectors.
The seats available have been set up according to the measures to prevent the contagion of the COVID-19 virus, with the aim of guaranteeing a safe distance between spectators.
Therefore, it will not be possible to choose a specific place within the reference sector.
Entrance to the stadium is allowed only to users with ticket printouts and the related self-certification attached to the ticket purchased, properly completed and signed.
Tickets can be purchased exclusively online, on the website www.vivaticket.it, only by users residing in Sicily, according to the following times and methods:
- From 16.00 to 20.00 on Monday 19 October: pre-emption for the members of Amici Rosanero, representatives of the popular share of the Society
- Or 9 pm on Monday 19 October to 3 pm on Tuesday 20 October: pre-emption for season ticket holders in any sector in the 2019/2020 season
- From 4 pm on Tuesday 20 October to 3 pm on Wednesday 21 October: free sale subject to availability:
- Single seat Covered grandstand (lower or upper ring): € 50
- Single seat on the steps (lower ring): € 35
To ensure the safety of all participants, the measures for the prevention and maintenance of distances will be strengthened.
For this reason, the refreshment points will remain closed while the itinerant sales service will be implemented.
Inside the system there will also be special dispenser columns with sanitizing gel. During all stages of access to the stadium, game viewing and outflow, it will be mandatory to wear a mask.
Disabled users in wheelchairs, who are not ambulatory, can submit a specific request for access to the event to the address validation@palermofc.com by 21 October 19.
But participation will be subject to acceptance by the Company, in consideration of the actual availability of the 30 seats provided and the existing rules on distancing.