The sports center in Torretta, new history for Palermo
Finally the works for the construction of the sports center in Torretta started on 21 October with the laying of the first stone and the first foundations of what will be the new home of Palermo.
“I thank everyone, today I feel I have achieved a promotion”, were the first words of President Dario Mirri to the journalists present. It will start from the land for which the Municipality of Torretta gave permission to build a year ago. Two soccer fields will be built here: one synthetic and one in natural grass. They will be the ones in which Corini’s Palermo trains regularly and they will also be the first to be ready in a few months (March 2023?).
Then there will be a third field, for which the works will begin next week (the one owned by the Municipality of Torretta, entrusted to Palermo for 5 years with an option for another five years).
“This is a house and it is a base. After 122 years we have found our home, after years of searching for it. After many promotions since the early years, today 2022 is a day to remember – admitted the number one of the Palermo “.
Then Mirri underlined the difficulties linked to the pandemic and the tenacity to move forward, despite everything, also thanks to the help of the banks and the City Group: “Despite the problems we managed to complete this dream. In October 2021 the commission and the commissioners present today, issued the permit.
After a year I tried to start the job, there are difficulties like covid or other but I had the passion and the courage to go on. Banks did not facilitate success this year I tried to start the project but the banks asked for triple and quadruple in times of difficulty. I thank the CFG because thanks to them we do not need the help of the banks. Today is the first stone and we begin “.
Special thanks, then, to the new president of the Sicily Region, Renato Schifani, the number one of the Lega Serie B and the former mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando (who at the time played an important role in the presentation of the project): “I thank the municipality of Torretta, Schifani, Orlando, and Balata who have given further value to the project because sport is something else, not just a pretext. I am sure that Palermo and our guys from March will finally be able to train here and stay in the club House to complete with a gym and so on for 2023 “.
Among the protagonists, also Schifani, declared: “It was not foreseen in my commitments for the last 48h but as a fan, I could not say no. I am happy that the players have their homes and I hope that the structure can still expand with attention given to children and the youth sector. We need to be advocates of legality to remove children from the possibility of crime “.
The intervention of Palermo’s sporting director, Rinaudo, could not be missing, just confirmed by the club in 2024: “As a child, I remember that there was no youth sector in Palermo, but now there was. In moments of difficulty, Mirri believed in the project and I myself was amazed. Sometimes I didn’t think he could succeed, it was difficult, but today it is a reality. It is an epochal turning point and with the advent of the CfG group we have speeded up the growth of our team. I want to thank Mirri and the C.F.G. for giving me this dream in Palermo “.
The president of Lega Serie B, Mauro Balata also spoke: “This is a province that has over one million inhabitants. Seeing these initiatives is important and it is important that we can reach such a goal. It is essential to have such a structure. Palermo returns to the football that counts and he does it with a president like Dario who knows how much he cares and how much he has suffered because I know him.
And on the show of the current championship, he then admitted: “We are breaking all records in terms of fans at the stadium and growth of the product not only digital but also technological. We have invested heavily in quality and it is superior to that of other leagues. Serie B is a laboratory that is growing and will serve.
The new sports center will also have an area dedicated to the gym, the conference room, changing rooms, and other technical spaces. The manor house, already present in Torretta, will instead become the new rosanero clubhouse.
The Video of new history for Palermo
Photogallery-> https://www.palermofc.com/it/gallery/al-via-i-lavori-a-torretta-la-photogallery_7265/