Palermo Brescia 19/05/2023: There are more than 32,000 spectators in the Viale del Fante sports facility, and their warmth will give Brunori and his teammates the push to try and hit the target.
FIRST HALF | Palermo Brescia | Highlights 38th Serie B 22/23
The teams enter the pitch in the pit of the “Barbera” and shortly after a minute’s silence is respected for the victims of bad weather in Emilia-Romagna.
Following the usual customary greetings, the first ball is entrusted to the away team, which attacks from left to right in a white suit;
The hosts, on the other hand, are in a pink jersey and black shorts.
The match director whistles, the Palermo-Brescia match begins.
The rosanero immediately take the lead! Ball recovered in midfield by Segre, who exchanges with Tutino.
The number 7 sees Brunori in the middle, who controls the ball, passes the opposing defender and bags his conclusion under the cross.
Corini’s team took the lead in the fourth minute of play.
In the following minutes, the rhythms stabilize after a sprint start from Palermo.
The two teams are studying despite the immediate advantage signed by Brunori.
In the 16th minute a cross from Buttaro almost turns into a shot aimed at goal, Andrenacci then has to send for a corner kick;
Nothing done on the developments of the corner.
In the 23rd minute, Aye tries to make himself dangerous for Brescia with a shot that doesn’t end up far from Pigliacelli’s goal.
Palermo still in goal!
In the 41st minute the rosanero are good at recovering the ball and restarting quickly with Brunori who,
From a defiled position on the right, gains meters and finds Tutino in the penalty area:
He returns an assist and doubles the number 7 with a perfect foray. In the 45th minute, four minutes of recovery are signaled.
Almost at the end, Palermo’s three of a kind, also signed by Tutino, was canceled due to an irregular position.
The first half of Palermo-Brescia ends 2-0.
SECOND HALF | Palermo Brescia | Highlights 38th Serie B 22/23
The teams return to the pitch, but before restarting the match, Brescia make a substitution:
Adryan leaves and Listkowski enters. Immediately after the match, the director whistles the start of the second half.
Goal disallowed for the Rondinelle after 3 minutes of the second half:
The offside position of a guest player who had served Aye all alone in the penalty area was signaled (also confirmed after a check by the VAR).
In the 54th minute, Brescia shortened the distance! Bjorkengren is served with a vertical through ball:
The number 23 of the Lombards sees the insertion of Rodriguez, who is cold face to face with Pigliacelli and beats the extreme defender of the rosanero.
A few moments pass and Gastaldello’s team draws the match!
Huard crosses in the middle and finds the perfect insertion of Aye, who heads in and goes into the net. Result again equal after a few minutes into the second half.
Palermo seems not to have returned to the field after the break and are starting to suffer from Brescia’s offensive plays.
Corini runs for cover and in the 67th minute sends Soleri and Valente onto the field in place of Tutino and Buttaro.
Gastaldello also makes another change: Bianchi takes Aye’s place. Shortly after, the rosanero make another substitution:
Segre leaves the pitch, Saric enters in his place. In the 77th minute, Gastaldello was forced to replace Bjorkengren with van de Looi due to a muscle problem.
After a couple of minutes, Corini sends Broh and Vido onto the field, who take the place of Gomes and Verre.
The teams, a few minutes from the end of the match, begin to stretch and board in search of the goal that could decide the match.
More substitutions for the visiting team in the 87th minute: Huard and Labojko leave the field and Adorni and Scavone take over.
THE TABLE | Palermo Brescia | Highlights 38th Serie B 22/23
PALERMO: 22 Pigliacelli, 3 Sala, 5 Gomes (from 79′ Broh), 7 Tutino (from 67′ Soleri), 8 Segre (from 74′ Saric), 9 Brunori (C.), 18 Nedelcearu, 25 Buttaro (from 67 ′ Valente), 26 Verre (from 79′ Vido), 37 Mateju, 48 Bettella. Available: 1 Grotta, 12 Massolo, 2 Graves, 4 Orihuela, 14 Broh, 16 Stulac, 19 Vido, 21 Damiani, 27 Soleri, 28 Saric, 30 Valente, 31 Aurelio. Coach: Corini.
BRESCIA: 1 Andrenacci, 2 Karacic, 3 Huard (from 87′ Adorni), 9 Rodriguez, 11 Aye (from 67′ Bianchi), 14 Mangraviti, 15 Cistana, 16 Adryan (from 46′ Listkwoski), Labojko (from 87 ‘ Scavone), 23 Bjorkengren (from 77′ van de Looi), 25 Bisoli (C.). Subs: 12 Lezzerini, 4 Adorni, 5 van de Looi, 8 Ndoj, 20 Niemeijer, 24 Bianchi, 29 Litkowski, 31 Scavone, 33 Muca. Coach: Gastaldello.
Referee: Maresca. IV Official: Monaldi. Assistants: Giallatini – Priests. VAR: Ghersini. AVAR: Tolfo
SCORERS: Brunori (4′), Tutino (41′), Rodriguez (54′), Aye (57′).
NOTES: Booked: Tutino, Sala, Andrenacci, Listkowski.