Reggina vs Palermo Highlights Serie BKT 2022/23
Palermo returns to the field to find ready redemption after the fall of the Barbera “fort” against Bucchi’s Ascoli.
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All Palermo FC & Supporters Videos created by EuroPafs (European’s Palermo Football Supporters). EuroPafs is trying to get information always from the official channels.
Palermo returns to the field to find ready redemption after the fall of the Barbera “fort” against Bucchi’s Ascoli.
Against a Reggina “strong and full of enthusiasm”, Eugenio Corini wants to give space to the newcomers…
Gondo knocks out Palermo, Ascoli wins 2-3 at the “Barbera”, the bianconeri breaks the Renzo Barbera unbeaten record…
Palermo – Ascoli / Serie B returns to the field for the third day of the championship,…
The teams make their entrance on the field of play, hosts in an entirely white suit while Palermo plays with the classic pink shirt and black shorts.
Eugenio Corini, the Palermo coach, spoke at the press conference in view of the match Bari – Palermo at the San Nicola.